When we do research, we always need to read a lot of papers, these papers need two features:
it is related to our research topic.
it is published on famous conferences.
However, there is no such a search engine fulfilling both of two features. Google Scholar only fulfills the first feature. ACM Digital Library or dblp only fulfills the second feature. And arxiv is not even a search engine. So I want to build a web-based tool which can search the paper only in conference I am interested in.
You can click this web-based tool link, then type in the wanted keyword to search the paper. The top 100 related paper in recent 3 years will be listed by relavance. If you want to custom the year and conference, just add them in keywords. Now it supports {wsdm, sigir, kdd, recsys, iclr, icml, nips}.
The source code can be find in github